
Heliconias may be the quintessential tropical plant. Closely related to the banana tree, they present a bold look with large leaves and fabulous, brightly colored flowers! There are over 200 varieties in sizes from a couple of feet tall to over 15 feet. The flower bracts can be orange, red, yellow, green or a combination....
Anthurium are native to the tropical rain forests of South America. They feature bright, waxy, heart-shaped flowers with shiny, dark green leaves. They epitomize the tropics!And they are pretty easy to grow if you follow a few simple rules: Anthuriums like temperatures between 70 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Never below 55.They like frequent water, but...
Burle Marx Philodendron
Burle Marx Burle Marx Philodendron is a beautiful and easy to grow plant that will add a tropical jungle look to any setting. A native of Brazil, it’s unusual name is a tribute to a famous Brazilian botanist. In warm climates it performs great as a ground cover, growing about 2 feet tall and growing...
Polyscias aralia are a favorite house plant. There are a number of varieties, including ming aralia, black aralia and balfour aralias. They can be used to achieve a tropical feel or oriental. They make great Bonsai subjects!Light: Prefer moderate to bright, indirect light but can adapt to shade. Avoid direct sunlight.Water: Water when the soil is dry...
Pineapples are type of bromeliad and so require the same care. They can be grown as an indoor plant, but will probably not produce a fruit. They can be grown outdoors in warmer climates.LIGHT: Pineapples prefer full sun but can survive in bright shade.WATER: They like a lot of water. But not standing in water.TEMPERATURE:...