Practically Perfect Pineapples

Pineapples are type of bromeliad and so require the same care. They can be grown as an indoor plant, but will probably not produce a fruit. They can be grown outdoors in warmer climates.

LIGHT: Pineapples prefer full sun but can survive in bright shade.

WATER: They like a lot of water. But not standing in water.

TEMPERATURE: Pineapples, like all tropical plants, like warm weather. They can withstand occasional cold nights, but if outside need to be covered if there is a threat of near freezing temperatures.

HUMIDITY: They like as much humidity as possible

SOIL: They need a well draining soil. As mentioned above they like a lot of water, but not wet feet!

FERTILIZER: an occasional application of weak, liquid fertilizer or top dressed with a slow release fertilizer like Osmocote.

GROWTH: A healthy plant will grow to several feet across. May take 1 to 2 years to produce a fruit. 

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