Caring for Your Aralia

Polyscias aralia are a favorite house plant. There are a number of varieties, including ming aralia, black aralia and balfour aralias. They can be used to achieve a tropical feel or oriental. They make great Bonsai subjects!

Light: Prefer moderate to bright, indirect light but can adapt to shade. Avoid direct sunlight.

Water: Water when the soil is dry on the top. Better to keep them slightly dry than to over water. Use soft water if possible.

Temperature: They like it warm. 70-80 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal.            
Anything below 60 may cause some leaf drop. Below 40 could cause serious damage.

Humidity: Prefers moderate to high humidity levels. Dry air may cause leaf drop. In a low humidity environment they will appreciate regular misting. They are ideal for kitchens and bathrooms.

Feed: Feed once a month during the growing season with a balanced fertilizer.

Care tips: Prune in summer to maintain desired shape and size. Pinch new growth to promote branching. Lower leaves may drop in the cold weather, but the trunks are part of the character of the plant.

Height and Growth Rate: Can grow to 4 to 6 feet eventually if repotted regularly. Fairly slow growing.

Toxicity: May be considered toxic. Keep away from pets and children to be on the safe side.

Origin: Polynesia.


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