Burle Marx Philodendron

Burle Marx

Burle Marx Philodendron is a beautiful and easy to grow plant that will add a tropical jungle look to any setting. A native of Brazil, it’s unusual name is a tribute to a famous Brazilian botanist. In warm climates it performs great as a ground cover, growing about 2 feet tall and growing horizontally. But it also makes a great indoor plant anywhere! It will form a large mound in a pot, but will also attach itself and grow up a support. Burle Marx also makes a beautiful hanging basket!

LIGHT: Ideal light is bright, indirect light, but it is tolerant of a variety of conditions. It can adapt to low light or some direct sun.

WATER: Keep fairly moist in the spring and summer. Let it dry out between watering in winter.

TEMPERATURE: Ideal is 60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Doesn’t do well below 40.

HUMIDITY: Fairly tolerant of dry conditions but benefits from occasional misting.

FERTILIZER: Feed monthly in growing season with a balanced house plant fertilizer. Every other month in fall and winter.

GROWTH RATE AND HABIT: Moderately fast growing. Naturally forms a clump but is a good climber if given support.

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