Anthurium Flamingo Flower

Anthurium are native to the tropical rain forests of South America. They feature bright, waxy, heart-shaped flowers with shiny, dark green leaves. They epitomize the tropics!
And they are pretty easy to grow if you follow a few simple rules:

  1. Anthuriums like temperatures between 70 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Never below 55.
  2. They like frequent water, but the roots should never remain wet.
    In the wild, anthurium plants often grow on trees, like orchids do. Since its a rain forest, they receive a lot of rain! But it all runs off quickly. So they need a soil that drains well. Don’t keep a saucer of water under them. The roots can rot if kept wet.
  3. Bright light but never direct sun light.
    Anthurium will grow and bloom in lower light than just about any plant. They do appreciate as much light as you can give them, but not direct sun. It will burn the leaves.
    They love humidity, so they make an ideal bathroom plant.

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